Friday, April 03, 2015

It started a while back

My sister Cleo  and I decided that we'll walk the Camino a while back. Until the last part of February this year it was all talk. And then slowly the decision started coming to life. This blog is a way for us to share our very special journey, collect information from those who've done this before or have insights about this kind of trip and to ask support & prayers. It begins with our planning and prep (ongoing -Aug 24) and will build up with a week in Paris. Climax will be the 1-month, 800-km walk from a place called Saint- Jean- Pied-de- Port somewhere at the border of the French Pyrenees, all the way to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. The denouement will be a week exploring in either Barcelona or Portugal, and it ends when we return home to Manila. The trip is pegged for August 24 to October 9, 2015. Brimming with excitement!

And so we start...


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