Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Day 10, September 10, Logrono to Burgos – late post

We walked to the bus terminal very early in the morning to catch the first one to Burgos. Unfortunately, the ticket vendor did not speak any English, but the guard did. He directed us to the correct window and pointed us to where we can wait for the bus.

At the waiting area, we met a couple, obviously peregrinos, who were apparently on their 3rd camino. They were celebrating their wedding anniversary by taking their 3rd walk. What a way to celebrate!

The ride was only an hour and a half so we got to Burgos quite early. Not knowing exactly where to go, we followed the general direction the pilgrims were walking and were led to  the municipal albergue. They weren’t accepting peregrinos yet, but when we got there, there were already quite a number of pilgrims waiting outside, having brunch in a café across the street. We were advised by the couple we met to line our packs near the door to reserve our slots and glad we did, since practically minute after minute the queue grew longer and longer.   

After the municipal opened and we got settled in, we did our laundry and got ready to meet Burgos. A funny incident in Burgos, as I was entering one of the churches to have a look-see, an older man (not sure if he was a priest or lay) shooed me out and was saying something about siesta. Lol! No idea what he was saying but I have to say, that's the first time ever that I've been shooed out of a church. 

We also met an American tri-athlete named Lydia in the municipal queue and she kept us company in our walk around the city and during our late lunch afterwards. She's had some medical issues which forced her to take a pause in her camino but she was planning to resume at a slower pace in a day or two. She's been in Burgos for a few days when we met and she encouraged us to get tickets and tour the cathedral, and so we did. It was fascinating! The Burgos Cathedral was a better-maintained version of Notre Dame, it seemed to me. We were also able to attend the pilgrim’s mass in the evening before heading out to dinner. Burgos was surely worth coming early to.

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